The Age of Opportunity: 5 Key Successes for 50 and Beyond in the Longevity Economy

Featured on Michael Clinton’s Roar Forward Barbara—a gerontologist, coach, and longevity advocate who translates ancient wisdom and modern science from research to practice—has distilled five key aspects of successfully living–and leading–in the longevity economy.

At 87, re-imagineer Masako Wakamiya crushed social norms by becoming the world’s most senior app developer. She did not buy into ageist notions about what an 87-year-old could or could not do. Instead, she took an age-agnostic approach, not letting a number define her capabilities or what is possible. This mindset paved the way for her to achieve this professional goal in her late 80s.

At every age, we have the power and potential to live a life where we truly thrive. But the language we use and the mindsets we hold—even subconsciously—can prevent us from living and leading with purpose and passion.

It’s time to ask yourself: are myths about aging and decline holding me back from success? If you provide products, services, or experiences for adults midlife and older, are you identifying your own unconscious biases to recognize what is needed for your company to succeed?

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