Relationships: The Secret Sauce of a Life as Healthy as it is Long

From the airport commotion to the quiet aisles of the grocery store and everywhere in between, I’ve found myself observing people with a curious eye. As I’ve watched and listened intently to the stories of people across generations—from my childhood visits to hospitals with my physician father, my decades of experience as a gerontologist and coach, and within my everyday experiences—a singular truth invariably emerges: the joy, energy and connection of our relationships is part of the secret sauce of a life as healthy as it is long.

The groundbreaking research creating the basis of the book The Good Life draws from an 84-year Harvard study of adult development. It illustrates the depth and breadth of how relationships, for good or bad, impact the quantity and quality of the years we have on this Earth. Relationships are one of the Seven Lifestyle Levers™ that align our number of years with the health and well-being of those years.

The ever-present theme of loneliness has prompted me to contemplate the transformative power of my relationships with others and how to foster a deeper connection with myself and embrace the harmonious rhythms of the natural world. After all, one of the crucial elements of resilience is the strength found in these connections. In one of my most popular articles, I explored the antidote for disconnection: bringing our energy, attention, and sunlight back to what truly matters.

I invite you to reinvest yourself into the energy and relationships that contour your life with love, laughter, and light. 

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