Library of Resources

The Modern Matriarchy’s Time Has Come—Find Your Place in It by Barbara Waxman
Resilient Leadership©

The Modern Matriarchy’s Time Has Come—Find Your Place in It

Imagine a world where we selected leaders based on compassion, self-awareness, transparency, integrity, and meaningful results—and filtered out those with high Machiavellian scores. We would end up not just with better leaders but more women leaders, yielding better bottom lines in our offices, harmony in our households, and compassionate coordination in our communities.

An Ode to the Micro-Ambitious: How to Master Minor Milestones for Major Progress
Life and Transitions

An Ode to the Micro-Ambitious: Master Minor Milestones for Major Progress

Micro-ambition by micro-ambition. Seed by seed. Curating the life, you want takes time and tending—the result: miraculous. What is standing between you and flourishing? The answer lies in addressing these three common challenges and the seeds you’ll want to plant today to unearth your wisdom for a rich, flourishing garden tomorrow.

What Discomfort Means To Your Success by Leadership Coach Barbara Waxman
Life and Transitions

What Discomfort Means to Your Success

Like oysters, fulfilled humans have figured out that discomfort is necessary for joy to grow. They have figured out how to lean into and leverage discomfort. They have, in a sense, turned discomfort into a conduit for a happier life. 

How to Find Connection in a Disconnected World by Barbara Waxman
Life and Transitions

How to Find Connection in a Disconnected World

Barbara Waxman narrates how a new era of work, social media, and empty conversations—or, as I call them, the deceptive sides of connection– have all catalyzed an epidemic of loneliness. I’ll share ways we can fill our cups today for a less lonely tomorrow by activating the energy of deep connection to take care of each other together.

The Future of Resilient Leadership

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