Library of Resources

Success Redefined for Resilient Leaders with Barbara Waxman
Middlescence: Midlife and Better

Success has changed. Have you?

This is the year for resilient leaders to access a new kind of ROI. Read on to see what I mean and to begin to understand the difference between what I call “little p” purpose and “Big P” Purpose, and how navigating between the two can help you forge a vibrant path forward.

Midlife Crisis Old Rules No Longer Apply Barbara Waxman
Middlescence: Midlife and Better

Myth of the Midlife Crisis: Old Rules No Longer Apply

It’s time to dismantle the myth of the midlife crisis. I also know, with utmost clarity, that midlife may be one of the richest, most potential-filled times of your life. Watch Barbara Waxman’s recent TEDx talk offers some glimpses into what that can look like.

Five Simple Ways Enhance Life Barbara Waxman Coach
Life and Transitions

Five Simple Ways to Enhance Your Life

Learn Barbara Waxman’s five simple steps to enhance your life, cultivate your energy reservoir, and have the emotional equanimity you need for what matters most.

The Future of Resilient Leadership

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