Library of Resources

Healthy Aging 50+ Conference The Seven Lifestyle Levers Assessment with Barbara Waxman
Events, Media and Speaking

Healthy Aging 50+ Conference: The Seven Lifestyle Levers Assessment

In a culture of more, more and more the study of one approach to healthy aging and longevity is essential. Watch Barbara Waxman’s session at the Healthy Aging 50+ Conference from The Longevity Project, Stanford Lifestyle Medicine and Longevity Center.

The Age of Opportunity in the Longevity Economy from Barbara Waxman in Roar Forward
Aging and Longevity

The Age of Opportunity: 5 Key Successes for 50 and Beyond

Featured on Michael Clinton’s Roar Forward Barbara—a gerontologist, coach, and longevity advocate who translates ancient wisdom and modern science from research to practice—has distilled five key aspects of successfully living–and leading–in the longevity economy.

The Skimm Midlife Crisis Middlescence with Barbara Waxman
Events, Media and Speaking

The Skimm: Don’t Call it a Midlife Crisis. It’s Middlescence.

The Skimm, is bucking ageist tropes with an age positive message for the newest Middlescent cohorts. Barbara Waxman’s CBS Morning appearance featuring Middlescence and the original manifesto for adults midlife and better, The Middlescence Manifesto: Igniting the Passion of Midlife, was featured.

The Tao of Pooh: Self Mastery is True Power
Life and Transitions

The Tao of Pooh: Self Mastery is True Power

As we look towards a new year with anticipation and, let’s face it, enthusiasm peppered with some trepidation, learn how a well-lived life comes from knowing oneself first. From calling up the wisdom that lives inside each of us and has its own signature.

The Future of Resilient Leadership

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