Library of Resources

Mother Earth Speaks During COVID-19 Pandemic
Life and Transitions

Between Stimulus and Response, You Have a Choice

In one way or another, we are all being stopped in our tracks with a message. But what does this message exactly mean to me? That is a question each of us needs to ask ourselves. I’ve needed to find a way to be still to help answer the question, so I’ve been meditating daily.

How to Stop the COVID-19 Boomerang Between Despair and Hope Barbara Waxman
Life and Transitions

How to Stop the Boomerang Between Despair and Hope

Our current crisis has brought the unwanted gift of calling into question just about everything in which we once had confidence. COVID-19 has forced every one of us to deconstruct and reconstruct our path forward, often from day to day and even hour by hour. And it all starts by showing up.

Leadership Repotting Journey in India with Barbara Waxman
Resilient Leadership©

Leadership Repotting Journey in India

I joined a small delegation to travel with the American Jewish World Service for a journey of justice to Delhi and Calcutta, India. We visited with grassroots leaders and allowed ourselves the insights gleaned only from being proximate to those who are most vulnerable.

The Transformational Experience of Repotting in India Leadership Coach Barbara Waxman
Life and Transitions

The Transformational Experience of Repotting

I joined a small delegation to travel with the American Jewish World Service for a journey of justice to Delhi and Calcutta, India. We visited with grassroots leaders and allowed ourselves the insights gleaned only from being proximate to those who are most vulnerable.

How Women Lead: Transform Your Energy and Impact Workshop

Imagine you could consciously curate the second half of your life based upon the wisdom you’ve gathered during the first half. This workshop is dedicated to understanding how to be the artist of your midlife and develop a legacy befitting a Modern Elder.

The Case for Generosity, Kindness, and EQ with Barbara Waxman
Life and Transitions

The Case for Generosity, Kindness, and EQ

I turned to what has helped me when I’ve felt similarly overwhelmed in the past. I got back into my meditation practice and focused my energies on pulling apart these threads in my mind so I could simplify, feel less stressed and know how I wanted to move forward.

The Future of Resilient Leadership

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